
pyrsgis.raster.clip_file(file, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, outfile=None)[source]

Clip and export raster file in one go

This function can clip a raster file by using minimum and maximum latitude and longitude values. This function builds on the pyrsgis.raster.clip function.


Input file name or path to clip.

x_mininteger or float

The lower longitude value.

x_maxinteger or float

The upper longitude value.

y_mininteger or float

The lower latitude value.

y_maxinteger or float

The upper latitude value.


Name or path to store the clipped raster file.


>>> from pyrsgis import raster
>>> infile = r'E:/path_to_your_file/your_file.tif'
>>> outfile = r'E:/path_to_your_file/clipped_file.tif'
>>> raster.clip_file(infile, x_min=770000, x_max=790000, y_min=1420000, y_max=1440000, outfile=outfile)

The catch here is that the user should be aware of and has to assign the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude values. If you are not sure of the extent to clip, you may want to first read the raster file, plot and find your area of interest and check the bounding box of the input raster. To do so, please check the pyrsgis.raster.clip function.