pyrsgis - Python for Remote Sensing and GIS author: pratkrt<at> Compatible with Python versions 3+

pyrsgis API reference

Reading and exporting GeoTIFFs[, bands])

Read raster file

pyrsgis.raster.export(arr, ds[, filename, …])

Export GeoTIFF file

Clipping a raster

pyrsgis.raster.clip(ds, data_arr, x_min, …)

ds : datasource object

pyrsgis.raster.clip_file(file, x_min, x_max, …)

Clip and export raster file in one go

pyrsgis.raster.trim(ds, data_arr, remove)

Trim raster array and modify ds

pyrsgis.raster.trim_array(data_arr[, …])

Trim raster array to remove NoData value at the edge

pyrsgis.raster.trim_file(filename, remove, …)

Trim and export raster file

Shifting a raster

pyrsgis.raster.shift(ds[, x, y, shift_type])

Shift the datasource of a raster file

pyrsgis.raster.shift_file(file[, …])

Shift and export raster file in one go

Reshaping GeoTIFF array for statistical analysis


Convert 2D or 3D array to table

pyrsgis.convert.table_to_array(table[, …])

Convert tablar array to 2D or 3D array

pyrsgis.convert.raster_to_csv(path[, …])

Convert raster to a tabular CSV file

pyrsgis.convert.csv_to_raster(csvfile, …)

Convert a CSV file to raster

Creating image chips for deep learning[, …])

Image chips from raster array[, …])

Image chips from 2D array[, y_size, …])

Image chips from raster file

Generating northing and easting raster

pyrsgis.raster.north_east(arr[, layer, …])

Generate row and column number arrays

pyrsgis.raster.north_east_coordinates(ds, arr)

Generate arrays with cell latitude and longitude value.

pyrsgis.raster.northing(reference_file[, …])

Generate northing raster using a reference .tif file

pyrsgis.raster.easting(reference_file[, …])

Generate easting raster using a reference .tif file