.. Installation Installation ============ pyrsgis supports python 3.5 to 3.8 only. However, since there is no major reliability on the Python version, it should work on all Python 3 versions. Please ensure that you are using a python 3 environment. Installing using PyPi --------------------------- pyrsgis is available on the `Python Package Index`_ repository. It can be installed using pip from command line using the following command:: pip install pyrsgis If you want to install a specific version, you can check the `release history`_ on the PyPI page to find out your version and install it by explicitly specifying the version.:: pip install pyrsgis==0.4.0 This can be useful since stable and latest versions are different. Installing using Conda ------------------------------ pyrsgis is available on `Anaconda`_ too. It can be installed using the following command:: conda install -c pratyusht pyrsgis Contributing to pyrsgis ------------------------------ pyrsgis is an open-source non-profit project and suggestions/ contributions are most welcome. To contribute to the project, you can fork the `GitHub repo`_, clone the repository locally, make changes to the cloned version and submit a pull request. .. _Python Package Index: https://pypi.org/project/pyrsgis/ .. _release history: https://pypi.org/project/pyrsgis/#history .. _Anaconda: https://anaconda.org/pratyusht/pyrsgis .. _GitHub repo: https://github.com/PratyushTripathy/pyrsgis